
Describes the JavaScript methods to load and play animation in the Lottie-Vue component.

Use the following JavaScript methods to load and play animations using the Lottie-Vue component.

Lottie-Vue Methods

Method: togglePlayPause()

Purpose: Toggles between playing and pausing the animation.

Return Type: void


Method: toggleFullscreen()

Purpose: Toggles between using the player in full-screen mode and in minimal mode.

Parameters: None

Return Type: void


Method: toggleLoop()

Purpose: Toggles animation looping. If the looping is set to true, toggleLooping() sets it to false, and vice versa.

Parameter: None

Return Type: void


Method: getVersions()

Purpose: Returns the version of lottie-web used, as well as the current player's version.

Return Type: { lottieWebVersion: string, lottiePlayerVersion: string, lottieVuePlayerVersion: string }


Method: setPlayerSpeed(value?: number)

Purpose: Sets the animation playback speed.


Return Type: void


Method: stop()

Purpose: Stops animation play.

Parameter: None

Return Type: void


Method: setBackgroundColor(color: string)

Purpose: Sets the background color.


Return Type: void

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